2023‑04‑26 | £150 | A Local resident | Donation to a local resident for her trip to do community work in Fiji over the summer, as agreed at April 2023 business meeting. |
2023‑04‑26 | £300 | Currie Parish Horticultural & Ind Society | Donation to Currie flower show as agreed at April 2023 meeting |
2023‑09‑08 | £1000 | Local Resident | Cancer Research Fundraiser ‑ Sep 23 |
2023‑09‑08 | £400 | Pentland Men's Shed | Men's Shed ‑ Sep 23 |
2023‑09‑08 | £500 | Local resident | A local resident who is an international elite fencer towards their ongoing competition costs ‑ Sep23 |
2023‑09‑08 | £250 | Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council | Pentland Book Festival ‑ Sep23 |
2023‑09‑08 | £400 | Currie Community High School School Fund | CCHS ‑ S3 girls football strips, Sep23 |
2023‑09‑14 | £1000 | 51st Edinburgh (Balerno) Scouts Group | Part funding of trailer purchase for Balerno Scouts and Wildfire Explorers ‑ |
2023‑09‑14 | £300 | Rugby Tour | Donation towards running costs for Local Resident's 'Swishing Night' rugby tour fundraiser ‑ as discussed and approved at Sept 23 business meeting |
2023‑09‑14 | £3000 | Community for Food | Donation to support food bank ‑ agreed at Sep23 business meeting |
2023‑09‑14 | £1500 | Currie Youth Club | Currie Community Centre donation to contribute to the installation of outdoor gym equipment‑ agreed at Sept 23 business meeting |
2023‑09‑14 | £1000 | Cancer Research UK | To celebrate our friend Tim Dew, and his contribution to the CBDRT over many years. Tim's positivity and energy continue to shine while living with Cancer. |